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GreenTea P2P Distributed Network Computing platform is available for licensing. Please contact with your request for pricing information. Once you get the price, please press "Buy Now" button to pay:

  • With GT Platform expertise, we provide professional consulting services in GT software application development, support, and training. Please contact with your request.
  • GreenTea has partnered with TTI to provide high-performance computing service using GreenTea Platform.

GreenTea also offers the following software products. If you are interested in these products, please click the respective link to email us, and tell us what your needs/problems are and your expected budget for solving these problems.

GT BLAST: a bioinformatics BLAST sequence alignment tool that runs on both Windows and Linux machines, perfect for biotech startups, or small to mid biotech organizations who do not have a lot of budget and human resources to spend time and effort to buy and maintain expensive and complex Linux clusters and supercomputers/servers. GT BLAST simply runs on  your organization's existing Windows or Linux machines. GT BLAST is a very easy to use tool to save you time and money than to build your own.
GT Distributed SAS software: SAS is a widely used statistical analysis software. Often times, it takes a long time to run SAS on a large data set. GT Distributed SAS software package enables SAS programs/scripts to run in a distributed fashion on a network of GT machines, without changing the unerlying network infrastructure. Hence, it greatly reduces the time to run SAS on a large data set. In our lab test, it takes 15 minutes to run SAS on one machine, but it takes only 4 minutes to run SAS on a network of 6 GT-enabled machines. This software increases organization's productivity without having to purchase expensive compute servers.
GT Distributed Storage software: a very intuitive and easy to use software tool that makes use of multiple computers' excess hard disk space to form a virtual large storage space on your network. 
GT Native Execution Tool: a versatile and generic tool that distributes  native applications to run in parallel on multiple computers on the GT network. 

If you have special requests for custom GT application development, or any other custom requirements,  you can always contact our professional consulting services at with your request.